Limited History

A few words on where I come from so you can more accurately judge my words.

I used to be very religious. Not a fanatic, but a true believer. I believed in God, in personal revelation, in modern prophets, in the hope of eternal life after this low existence.... You get the picture; I was a Mormon.

Technically, I still am a Mormon. I have not gone as far as telling the LDS church to take me off their rolls, nor have I done anything publicly that would warrant excommunication. Well, other than this blog. You see, the Mormon church has a very low view on those who wish to hold an opinion contrary to the 'correlated doctrine.'

This seemed to be the best way for me to ease my way out of Mormonism, share some of my thoughts and have some therapeutic writing time. In time, I plan to cover thoughts not only on religion, but all sorts of topics that one can take a higher view of.

I hope that I don't sound too hateful against the LDS church. It really isn't their fault. It is more organized religion in general that I really struggle with.

It's not whether you are male or female, black or white, gay or straight, pious or atheist. It only matters that you strive for haute thought.

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